FFB - Farm From a Box
FFB stands for Farm From a Box
Here you will find, what does FFB stand for in Food under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Farm From a Box? Farm From a Box can be abbreviated as FFB What does FFB stand for? FFB stands for Farm From a Box. What does Farm From a Box mean?The United States based company is located in San Francisco, California engaged in farming industry.
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Alternative definitions of FFB
- Foundation Fighting Blindness
- Federal Financing Bank
- Fossil Fuel Burning
- Fit For Breeding
- Feature Function And Benefit
- First Financial Bank
- Federal Financing Bank
- First Financial Bank
View 40 other definitions of FFB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FFC Florence Filter Corporation
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- FHAFL FHA Financial LLC
- FCCH First Council Casino Hotel
- FASAC Family Abuse Services of Alamance County
- FLA Frontier Law and Advisory
- FCN Fish Creek Nissan
- FCUI Florida Concrete Unlimited Inc
- FAL Fuelled Apparel Limited
- FDC Finley Distributing Co
- FCI Favor Company Inc.
- FMG Flavor Media Group
- FGCM Further Global Capital Management
- FELPS Faculty of European Legal and Political Studies
- FHC Fraser Healthcare Consulting
- FFR Farmington Fire Rescue
- FM The Flea Markets
- FLC Five Loaves Cafe
- FEBL FE Burman Ltd